Thursday, January 3, 2008

Eva's Mess

Last week I made a big mistake. After the kids went to bed Ben went out to get us ice cream. That part wasn't the mistake. I didn't finish all of mine and set the empty cup aside on the desk in our bedroom. THAT was the mistake. The next morning I woke up early and gave both of the kids baths and took them out into the family room of the house room to play while I went upstairs to wake up the girls and start breakfast. At least, I thought they were both playing in the family room - the door closed in front of Eva and I didn't notice until a few minutes later when I came back downstairs and heard Nate playing and realized he was jabbering with Eva through the door. I opened the door and found this surprise . . .

It was hard to get pictures of Eva smiling because she spent most of the time we were taking pictures running away because she was afraid we would take away the ice cream cup, but we all know this must be one of the best days in Eva's short little life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Her ability to make messes is amazing! I think she looks so cute but its probably because I don't have to clean her up though haha.