Saturday, January 12, 2008

Eva's Mess #2

I have a sneaking suspicion that this may become a regular feature on our blog, the catalog of little Eva finding fun things to make messes with. Of course Jordan had just put Eva in a cute new sweater outfit, and Jordan went to go find an outfit for Nathan to wear. Eva is just so excited because she is now tall enough to take things off the table. Now it must be something in the Lehnhof genes, but this is what Jordan and I returned to a few minutes later.

She just couldn't get enough, she kept laughing and then taking another drink.

My favorite part of this next one is the half lidded eyes that look like an addict getting their fix. They just seem to scream "Oh yeah, that hits the spot." I think I've seen that before somewhere before with Diet Coke.

Of course, Eva couldn't keep the excitement of having Coke to herself, she decided to show her brother her prize. He was excited too, and decided he would "share" it with Eva.


Shelley Reid said...

Oh, that diet coke is addicting. I feel the same way as eva in the last picture when someone takes my diet coke.

Verenice said...

These are hilarious! It must be in the name, Eva. I am glad I found you guys, thanks to blog surfing.