Sunday, November 4, 2007

1. What is the best thing you cooked last week?
I didn't cook much last week, but I did make Zuppa Toscana.

2. If time, money, and babysitting were no object, where would you go and with who?
Scandinavia with Jordan.

3. When was the last time you cried?
When I puked this morning a couple of tears squeezed out from all of the pressure.

4. Five things you were doing this month ten years ago:
On my mission; working in the town of Moss, which smelled like pumpkins; street contacting and talking to people - the usual missionary life.

5. Five things on your to do list today:
I only have one thing to do on my to do list: lay in bed because I am sick. Maybe later I'll play Guitar Hero if I am feeling better.

6. Five favorite snacks:
Diet Coke, Goldfish, pretzels, chips and french onion dip, fruit roll ups

7. Five bad habits:
Procrastinating, staying up too late, drinking diet coke and eating too much fast food, and playing video games too much.

8. Five favorite foods:
Enchiladas, steak, Arby's, Zuppa Toscana, buffalo wings

9. Five places I've been:
8 of the worst hours of my life in Paris

10. Five favorite memories:
Nathan and Eva being born; getting married to Jordan; coming home from my mission; taking Nathan home from the hospital; first semester at BYU

1 comment:

Shelley Reid said...

I am sorry that you are so sick! I hope that you feel better by the time you go to California. I didn't know that you had guitar hero, I want to come over and play sometime! Also when were you in Paris?