Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fun at the dinosaur museum!

So over the holiday break we have a lot of time for activities, so we decided to take the girls and Nathan and Eva to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point. It made me realize how many things Nathan understands because when I told him we were going to see great big dinosaurs he lit up. He kept telling us and the girls to GO! Nate wasn't going to wait patiently any longer, and he let us know it.

We arrived and though Nathan and I were very excited, Eva was mildly interested at the beginning. You can see her polite smile in the picture. Eventually though Eva found the many glass cases fascinating enough to walk up and pound her little fists on while exclaiming "Wow!"

Nathan loved all the exhibits to touch and feel, and his favorite part was at the end "excavating" some fossils from a sandbox with his trusty brush. Anything involving dirt is a sure winner for Nathan.

1 comment:

Shelley Reid said...

That looks so fun! We will have to go again together sometime. It was fun seeing you guys over the holidays!